The August Visiting Teaching message is out, you can read it here. The lesson is on Meekness and Humility. I did a free full page printout, with some quotes from the lesson, as well as a 4×6 printout. [Read more…]
August 2015 Visiting Teaching ...
July 2015 Visiting Teaching Ha...

Holy Cow it is half-way through July. Sorry I am so late on this! If you haven’t seen the lesson yet, you can read it here on The lesson is on Forgiveness (one of my favorite topics!). I have also had quite a few requests for Spanish versions of my handouts, so I thought that I would give it a go this month. Sorry if they aren’t 100% right… I don’t speak Spanish, so I wasn’t able to proof read them very well! If this isn’t the Visiting Teaching Printable you are looking for, all of the months are located HERE. [Read more…]
Free April 2015 Visiting Teach...

It has been a long time since I have made one of these, but I am so glad that I got around to it this month! This month’s messages is The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Without Guile or Hypocrisy. [Read more…]
Free Bountiful Temple Images a...

Wow, it has been forever!!! I’m sorry about my 3 month break! Pretty much all of my attention has been engaged with our new Branches business. We had no idea that it would take off as quickly (and of course we are so GRATEFUL for that!). Now Matt (my husband) has left his old job and is working from home with me, and I cannot thank you enough for the support of this blog and for the support behind our new business. With that said, hopefully with Matt home, I will have more time to get back working on some awesome new freebies for you!! [Read more…]
August 2014 Visiting Teaching ...

I’m a little late this month, sorry! But here is the Visiting Teaching handout that goes with this lesson. [Read more…]
April 2014 — Free Visiti...

I really can’t believe that it is almost April!! So here it is, April’s Visiting Teaching printable. You read the full lesson here, I just used an excerpt that I especially liked [Read more…]
2 Free Printable Visiting Teac...

It’s almost March, which means it’s time for another Free VT Handout! This time I made 2 options! You could even take both 🙂 The first printable is a simple card with the message: “Each time you choose to try to live more like the Savior, you will have your testimony strengthened. You will come in time to know for yourself that He is the Light of the World. … You will reflect to others the Light of Christ in your life.” by President Henry B. Eyring. The second is a pretty candle wrap, which I thought would make a great “drop by gift” especially for ladies that are hard to reach. Enjoy! [Read more…]
Free February 2014 Printable V...

I just had my Visiting Teaching conference yesterday in my Relief Society class, so I felt like I better get going on a printable to share. This month the message is the last of the series on “The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ”… this month it focuses on the savior as our “Good Shepherd”. You can get the lesson here. [Read more…]