If you have been around for a while, you know that I love making free Visiting Teaching printables EVERY month! Sometimes that is the only post I get done, yikes!!
I have been recently assigned to new ladies to visit and last month, I gave them the quote that I had them printed at Shutterfly! It was super easy and worked so well, that I really wanted to try to standardize the handouts that I make. What I am going to do for all of you lovely readers, is to…
- ALWAYS create a 4×6 quote jpeg image (so that you can easily use Shutterfly, or Walmart, or whomever you want to print them with, and…
- ALSO format the quote as two 4x6s on a full sheet of paper, so that if you want to print them at home too, it is just as easy!
- I am going to NOW start making a full sheet lesson handout to match the quote. This page includes the whole lesson. I think it is especially great for those Sisters that you might be able to only leave something on their doorstep.
Here’s an idea for you, pick up a 4×6 plastic frame (onlylike 99 cents at Walmart) with a magnet on it for the fridge, and give one to all of your ladies with their quote for the month. Tell them to KEEP the frame, so that EVERY month, you can come back and print a new 4×6 for their frame. That way, they have a FRESH new quote every month on their fridge reminding them of the lesson and more importantly, reminding them that YOU are there for them whenever they need you!
This month’s lesson is “Daughters of our Eternal Father”. I chose a quote from the lesson that I really liked by Jeffery R. Holland — “Your Father in Heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations.”
Free Visiting Teaching Printables Printing Instructions:
The Free Visiting Teaching handout is sized as a 4×6 inch jpeg image (just like a photograph). Take it to your local print shop (Walmart, Costco, etc.), print it on your own printer using the version that has 2 on a page (shown below), OR I love ordering mine (it takes me less than 5 minutes!) from **Shutterfly and I get them in the mail by the next week (seriously easy and cheap!!). I love that I don’t have to go anywhere, and I don’t have to use any of my precious printer ink! **Affiliate link, which means that I make a small commission off your purchase, it does NOT raise the cost, simply gives me a small percentage of the sale for referring you. Thanks for your support!!

Click on the links below the images to download the Free Visiting Teaching Printables that you would like!
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THank you so much! What beautiful work you do and share!
You are very welcome!!
Love how you have done this months message, thank you
I really LOVE the idea of putting each month’s message in a magnetic picture frame. Your artwork is so lovely. Thank you sooo much for sharing with those of us who are not blessed with these talents :0)
You are so very welcome!! Thanks so much for the feedback!!
Thank you so much! this was exactly what i wanted!
You are very welcome! Thanks for the feedback!!
Thank you for your lovely handouts
You are welcome!!
Love all of the handouts. There really is no reason not to share these with the Sisters under our stewardship
I have 4 Routes, 3 different Companions, 23 Sisters living in 17 different homes. You make it nice for me to be able to bring the message each month without a lot of crafting effort on my part. Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3
Wow, you are a SUPER visiting teacher!!! Way to go! I am glad I can help in a small way. Good luck to you
I love this! You have helped me when I was in a pinch this month, and you’ve made these so beautifully. I look forward to getting these monthly! Thank you!
You are very welcome! I am glad they help
Thank you!
Love this Carolyn! We did this with our monthly themes for primary last year. These are lovely.
Thanks Ashlee!!
Love this! It is perfect! Thank you so much for a brilliant idea and executing it for me. It is perfect! I’m definitely checking more of your blog out. So happy I found you!
You are very welcome!!
These were just a perfect gift to share with my sisters! I loved putting them in the magnetic frame, you are brilliant! I think this quote will also make a wonderful Mother’s Day gift for some sweet mothers in need. ♥ Thank you so much!!
Thanks for sharing your talent with us Carolynn xx
Will you be doing something for May Visiting Teaching? I know there isn’t an official message, due to conference, but are you still planning on making a little handout with some quotes from conference or something like that? I love your prints and so do the ladies I visit!
Just posted May’s sorry so late!!!
Thank you for sharing your talents with us! I loved April’s quote and I can’t wait to see May. I already went to the store and bought the magnetic frames and cardstock to get started! Thank you again!!
Just posted May’s sorry so late!!!
I loved the message for last month, it was my first time using them! All my sisters loved them including my companion
when will you be posting this months message?? I am waiting on bated breath! Or am I just not finding it?
I realize this month is from the April Conference, is that why you haven’t posted anything?
Just posted May’s sorry so late!!!
Just posted May’s sorry so late!!!
I love your work! This is exactly what I was looking for, but it looks like you’re not doing the VT handouts anymore? Is there any chance you’d start doing them again? Pleeeeese? ;D
We are doing them again!!